Saturday, February 10, 2024

Listen to the New York Times, Joe

Red State: "Head Spinning NYT Editorial Admits Biden Incapable, Then Demands He Do More."

Here's the key graf from the NYT editorial:
The president has to reassure and build confidence with the public by doing things that he has so far been unwilling to do convincingly. He needs to be out campaigning with voters far more in unrehearsed interactions. He could undertake more town hall meetings in communities and on national television. He should hold regular news conferences to demonstrate his command of and direction for leading the country.
Please, please, please, listen to the New York Times, Joey.

Take it from me, somebody who reads the Presidential transcripts on a regular basis: Biden will not increase his public appearances for the simple reason that he lies all the time.  Dementia Joe will not place himself into a situation where he will be confronted with this congenital mendacity.

That's why yesterday I said "it's going to get worse" for Dementia Joe.  There will be increasing pressure for him to make public appearances (see: NYT) but he can't do it.  Every minute he spends on his extended Delaware vacation will only confirm the suspicions of Americans that he can't do the job.


  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Take it from me, somebody who reads the Presidential transcripts on a regular basis: Biden will not increase his public appearances for the simple reason that he lies all the time. Dementia Joe will not place himself into a situation where he will be confronted with this congenital mendacity.

    "We cannot, we must not reelect a defective thinker who lies all the time," says blogger who will race on jet propulsion roller skates to reelect a defective thinker who lies all the time.

    Bubble Boy sees the world.

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Joe was understandably upset about being accused of forgetting when his son, Beau, died.

    He remembers *exactly* when Beau died in Iraq, and tells gold star families about it all the time.

  3. Anonymous10:08 AM

