Thursday, February 08, 2024

"Elderly man with a poor memory"

Well, I work all day, and I'm way behind on this story but here's the upshot: the Special Counsel looking into Dementia Joe's retention of classified documents reported that he "willfully retained" the documents, "disclosed classified materials" but that because Biden had "diminished faculties and a faulty memory" he could not be charged with a crime.

Simply unbelievable.  I've been calling Biden "Dementia Joe" for months and now the Department of Justice is saying the same thing.

Take it away Ace:

I just finished watching the video of Dementia Joe's impromptu press conference tonight (he did take questions!) and let me say this: it's going to get much worse for Biden.  I'm going to have to see the transcript but he was extremely combative with the press, pushed back on questions of mental acuity with the non sequitur of "look at what I've accomplished" and - worst of all IMO - took absolutely no responsibility at all for holding on to these documents and instead blaming his staff.

Somebody in the WH Press Corps tonight noted that Biden said "watch me" whenever there were questions on his fitness but since then Americans more and more think Joe is not up for the job.  Biden's response was weird, I think saying the press believes it but the American people don't.  It made no sense.

It's going to get worse for Biden because he's going to have to make more public appearances to demonstrate his mental and physical vigor, but he can't and he won't.


  1. Anonymous11:37 PM


  2. unAnonymous10:20 AM

    What a week this has been for the arc of history.

    - Republicans fail to sanctify and share responsibility for Biden's border invasion.

    - Democrats' totalitarian strategy of winning by keeping their opponent off the ballot collapse in a heap on the floor of the Supreme Court.

    - Biden's own Department of Justice declares him incapable of standing trial by reason of mental incompetency.

    - Independent journalist Tucker Carlson runs rings around the Career Democrat media by conducting a tough, professional interview of Putin.

    No wonder the first comment above reads as a confession of being shell-shocked.

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

