Friday, February 23, 2024

Dementia Joe can't function

Axios: "Biden's cheat sheets at fundraisers worry donors."

On the menu today: No, it’s not the biggest deal in the world to hear that President Biden now uses notecards when giving remarks and answering questions at his closed-door, high-dollar campaign fundraisers. But considering how rarely the American public gets to hear Biden give off-the-cuff, unscripted remarks of any length and substance in any other venue, it’s an indication that Biden really is notecard- and teleprompter-dependent now. This means the usual advice that the president needs to get out there, interact with voters more, and make the case for himself and his policies is akin to asking him to demonstrate gymnastics or run a marathon. The guy just can’t do it anymore. And the White House would have you believe that he can keep going at it for another four to five years or so.
It's been a little over two weeks since Biden's disastrous press conference and despite the advice to increase public appearances, Dementia Joe has had no public events if you don't count clipped answers to shouted questions as he walks by. 

By the way, it's astonishing that Biden still needs notecards for these donor events since he simply repeats the same lines and anecdotes over and over and over again.


  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    When Donald Trump met with the survivors of school shootings, he held a notecard of talking points that included "I hear you."

    You won't see that emotional reminder on Biden's notes, because he's not a sociopath.

    Another time, after infrastructure talks fell apart, Trump came out with a notecard that included the handwritten claim "Dems have no achomlishments."

    Many more examples, though those are two of the saddest.

  2. Anonymous8:51 PM

    When you reach that point of memory loss, usually you have no problem remembering things from many years ago, but not what you had for lunch, 20 minutes ago.

    My mother could tell you which group sang a song from the 50s but not remember where she was on the page she was trying to read a book if you interrupted her for a moment. That was when she was in her mid 80s.
