Monday, February 19, 2024

A modest proposal

Here's 538 pollster Nate Silver: "It's time for the White House to put up or shut up - Shielding Biden from public appearances might be a rational strategy -- and that's why it's a bad sign."
Here's what I'd propose. Over the course of the next several weeks, Biden should do four lengthy sitdown interviews with “non-friendly” sources. “Non-friendly” doesn't mean hostile: nonpartisan reporters with a track record of asking tough questions would work great. A complete recording of the interviews should be made public. The interviews ought to include a mix of different media (e.g. television and print) and journalistic perspectives.
Oh, man, this will never happen.  There's already a general acknowledgement that there won't be Presidential debates and frankly I think Dementia Joe is 50/50 for the State of the Union address.


  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Strong man Trump has already run away from one presidential debate with Joe Biden.

    To repeat: Strong man Trump has already run away from one presidential debate with Joe Biden.

    It really happened.

    By September, Trump may no longer be able to afford the plane fare to attend a debate.

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Oh, man, this will never happen. There's already a general acknowledgement that there won't be Presidential debates and frankly I think Dementia Joe is 50/50 for the State of the Union address.

    Well, this blog certainly has a good track record in these things.

    September 2020:
    Is there any wonder that Republicans are clamoring for the debates? It's the first time to stick a crowbar between the Biden campaign and the cheerleader media.

    Prediction: Sleepy Joe won't debate
    That's the opinion of this guy who flatly predicts: "Look for Biden to bow out of the debates within the next two weeks."
    From the American Spectator: "Why Biden Will Withdraw From the Debates - It’s the only way for Joe’s handlers to save him from himself.”
    While Biden has said “he can hardly wait” to take on Trump in the debates, I don’t think his team or his proxies will let him. Even before Kenosha, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Lockhart, and others were publicly urging their candidate to pull out of the debates, ostensibly because of Trump’s alleged incorrigible dishonesty. I expect that the drumbeat to withdraw will increase steadily over the next two weeks. The usual anti-Trump “bombshells” by the media (like those in the Atlantic and in Bob Woodward’s latest book) will provide the Democrats some cover, though dodging the debates will hurt them in some circles.

    If Biden defies my prediction and proceeds with the debates — whether out of misplaced confidence or desperation — they are far more likely to be a disaster for him than a success. Although he and Trump are roughly the same age, right now they are worlds apart in terms of their mental and physical abilities.

    I believe Biden will debate because his ego tells him he can beat Trump. But Trump is going to give him the pushback that Biden rarely experiences from the mainstream media

    Soon after, as your wishes and Trump confidence shriveled in sunlight, there was a bipolar swing from ecstasy on the night of the first debate to justified depression the morning after.

    Nowhere on the blog at all: a single peep about Trump timidly running away from the second Biden debate after having lost the first one.

    Nor was there a word about the third debate that became the second debate. Which Biden won, too.

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM


    Nice country. Be a shame if something happened to it.

    Federalist: "The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins = Under the guise of planning for right-wing violence if Trump loses, Democrats are gaming out how to steal the election if Trump wins."

  4. Community Notes3:17 PM

    Readers added context they thought people might want to know

    As the date of the second presidential debate of the 2020 campaign drew near, President Trump tested positive for Covid. The commission organizing the Miami debate then switched its format to be a virtual debate for health reasons, with the candidates participating remotely.

    President Trump refused, telling Fox Business Channel he was "not gonna waste my time" on a virtual debate and "sit behind a computer, ridiculous".

  5. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Good post. Confirmation that Donald Trump ran away like a loser who'd just gotten beaten by Sleepy Joe 2 weeks earlier.

    It's been nine years of this, and you're still swallowing every word your narcissistic liar says?

    Fun Fact: Trump tested positive for Covid 3 days before the first debate.
