Friday, January 12, 2024

Now we know why they keep him under wraps

This is fine: "Biden's Scary Confusion Is Concerning, as He Comments on Iran and Houthis, Whispers to Girl, Gets Heckled."  

Sheesh, the death shuffle, the blank stare, the clip answers...this is scary.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    That's scary!

    This is normal and acceptable:

    Asked whether he can legally murder political rivals as president, he says he has to have immunity.

    (But after he wins, he will prosecute Joe Biden.)

    Asked whether he had illegally taken money from foreign governments while president, he says "I was doing services for them. I don't get $8 million for doing nothing."

    He's going to build a gigantic dome around the entire United States.

    He hopes the U.S. economy will crash before the election.

    He says magnets stop working in water.

    He says windmills cause cancer.

    He thinks Americans need an ID card to buy bread.

    He wonders if bleach injections will cure Covid.

    He wants to fight wildfires by raking the forest.

    He thinks that maybe hydrogen bombs can stop hurricanes.

    He quotes Hitler, then says he didn't know, and then uses the same Hitler quotes again.

    Making a list like this is easy. The hard part is picking a place to stop.
