Sunday, December 24, 2023

A love letter to MST3K

The Corner: "A Child’s Christmas in Space."
Although my dad couldn’t possibly have intended it, what happened next altered the course of my life, and profoundly for the better: I was exposed to Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K for short) for the first time. And “exposed” is the right word; the experience was as instantly catalyzing a moment for me as a rapid chemical reaction. It was the Christmas episode from a few days earlier, and the show was mocking something called Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, about which more later. Before I could even begin to absorb what was going on on-screen, I first had to adjust to the nuttiness of the premise.
MST3K is a treat in part because the commentary is sarcastic but intelligent, usually diving deep into pop culture and trivia.  You don't need to get every joke but, when they land, they're sublime.

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