Friday, November 10, 2023

Shimon Peres at Davos

National Review: "What would you do?"
Peres then reads Moussa, Erdogan, and all of us the Hamas charter: which calls for the murder of Jews, as a holy command. As he proceeds from that, Peres gets more and more emotional, shouting into the microphone, perhaps not realizing how loud his voice is in the hall. Passion — indignation, idealism, and some despair — pours out of him, as he defends his country and, in a way, his life.
Like most people who can't defend their positions, Erdogan walked off the stage and declared himself the winner. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Like most people who can't defend their positions, Erdogan walked off the stage and declared himself the winner.

    Just who the hell does this Erdogon loser think he is...

    ...the Ohio Republicans whose election sabotage failed, and who now indefensibly pledge to dismantle the state's constitutional protection of abortion rights?
