Monday, November 20, 2023

OMG these people are shameless

Twitchy: "She Actually Did It! KJP Brags (With Charts) About How Much Biden Saved You on Thanksgiving Dinner."  


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    The loss of a child or a spouse is rough.

    Imprisonment, illness, home burns down, being fired, I get it.

    But which stage of Republican grief is this? The one where inflation goes down over a year before the election, and where there'll be no recession at all?

  2. Anonymous9:01 PM

    OMG Fox News is unable to contradict the economic reality that Thanksgiving prices are in fact down, so they spin it under alternate criteria, but not in a shameless way because only Democratic people do that

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    U.S. gas prices are falling and could hit the cheapest Thanksgiving day price since 2020

    The United States has the best post-Covid economic bounceback on planet Earth. Fox News just doesn't know how to be happy.
