Saturday, November 04, 2023

Great job, Michigan

The Corner: "Rashida Tlaib Posts Video Pushing Genocidal Rhetoric against Jews."
This is not a random video Tlaib reposted which she could claim to have not fully vetted. It is a video in which she herself appears, and it’s posted under her own account. She is well aware that she is calling for genocide against Jews and doesn’t care.
Why should she care?  All the members of the Squad come from deep blue districts that support these beliefs.  There will be no repercussions for Tlaib and she'll cry victim if anybody tries.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:01 PM

    The Republicans should tell Rep. Tlaib in no uncertain terms that Jews are truly important, and must be protected.

    For now.

    Because Christians need Jews in Jerusalem until the evangelical prophecy of armageddon and end times can be triggered.
