Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Today's feel-good story: Israeli babe kills Hamas terrorists

Breitbart: "Early action by 25-year-old Israeli woman kills 5 terrorists, leads team to save kibbutz from Hamas."
Lieberman then rushed to open the armory, passed out guns to a 12-member security team, and planned their response to the imminent Hamas attack.

“She placed her squad of kibbutzniks in strategic positions across the settlement and set up ambushes that caught the gunmen off guard and turned the tables on them during their mission to inflict mass casualties,” the Post reported.

Lieberman killed five terrorists on her own, while her security team took out at least 20 more over a period of four hours. Together, they “turned Nir Am into an impenetrable fortress, while nearby kibbutzim suffered heavy losses,” the Post reported, citing Walla News.
This may sound paranoid, but I carry a knife (rule #9) with me almost all the time.  You need to hope for the best but prepare for the worst - all the time.  Like the Boy Scouts say: be prepared. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:01 AM

    If Lieberman the Israeli babe had defended herself against Hamas terrorists with a pocket knife, this would not have been today's feel-good story.
