Sunday, October 08, 2023

This administration can't do anything right

Red State: "Jake Sullivan's Remarks a Week Ago on Middle East Show What a Clown Show Biden Team Is." 

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates once - correctly - stated that Biden has "been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."  All that's left to hit the trifecta is China invading Taiwan.


  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Rep. Daniel Goldman:
    "For people who constantly complain about the "politicization" of mass shootings, it is the height of hypocrisy to now attempt to politicize Hamas' brutal attacks.
    Unlike with mass shootings, however, the political accusations are wrong: No U.S. $$ — or any $$ — has gone to Iran."

    The money was Iran's, paid by South Korea, and subsequently frozen there. The money is now in a bank account in Qatar that is monitored by the U.S. Treasury, and may only be spent on humanitarian aid. Fox News reports that all that money is still in the Qatar account.

    This is what passes for a smart take today:
    "Iran has a $2 trillion economy, the 11th largest in the world... but it was Joe Biden who gave Iran the money it needed to strike."

    A direct verbatim quote from Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) on MSNBC this morning, when asked if he would admit that not a single cent of the money has been spent or used by the Iranian government:

    "I didn't say I didn't... I... I did... I... I didn't... I didn't say that it was."

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    So it hasn't been used or spent..... YET.

    And don't give me any bullsh*t about how it can only be used to buy food. The Iranian government's budget had undoubtedly allocated at least $6 billion to feed its citizens, but now it can use the money Biden just freed up to buy that food and use its own cash to buy weapons and fund terrorism.

    Elections have consequences - are you starting to regret how you voted yet, or do you really enjoy being treated like this?

    On the other hand, the residents of Chicago are starting to wake up and realize they're bearing the consequences of their most recent votes, but like most Democrats, they'll likely vote the same way next time.

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Trump cut off all financial aid to the Palestinians, mostly because they were using it to pay stipends to the families of terrorists killed or captured in the act of murdering innocent Israeli civilians, and boasting about it.

    Biden gleefully restored it.

    Ya happy now?

  4. Anonymous1:38 PM


    "True, it didn't happen.

    But what's much more important is that I badly WANT it to have happened.

    Also, Chicago Democrats are starting to wake up but they're also still asleep. The logical connection to the Hamas terror attack is obvious."

  5. Anonymous1:56 PM

    "True, it didn't happen."

    Are you saying that Trump *didn't* cut off Palestinian aid, and that Biden *did* restore it?

    Because if you are, I'm calling you out as a liar, unless you can cite some accurate sources.

    "Also, Chicago Democrats are starting to wake up but they're also still asleep." Well, duh... They're Democrats, what did you expect?
