Monday, October 02, 2023

Governing by "appeal to emotion"

Reason: "On Guns, Drugs, and National Security, Dianne Feinstein Was Consistently Authoritarian - The late California senator always seemed to err on the side of more government power and less individual freedom."  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Kevin McCarthy and Matt Goetz are openly having a knife fight... McCarthy has killed the Hastert Rule... and the Republican Speaker has enlisted Democrats to save his weak ass...

    A large chunk of House Republicans are siding with war criminal Vladimir Putin in the Ukraine invasion...

    Republicans are scared to call for gold bug Bob Mendendez's resignation because doing so would be one-16th of an inch away from denouncing Donald Trump, and the primaries are coming up...

    Indicted criminal and GOP dominatrix Donald Trump is in court watching his crooked company be dissolved and it's not even in his top three most terrifying trials...

    ...but the most compelling news story of the day is Reason Magazine figuring out that San Francisco Senator Dianne Feinstein was a liberal!!!
