Saturday, October 14, 2023

Biden at the Human Rights Campaign dinner tonight

That means 100% chance of a retelling of the "Joey, they love each other" story which is just another made-up fabrication by Dementia Joe.

And 0% chance of any recounting of Biden's long history standing against gay rights

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    In the last 3 weeks, Donald Trump has said that:

    *Hezbollah is smart, while Benjamin Netanyahu tried to steal credit from Trump.

    *Hamas is pouring into the United States via the unprotected Mexican border.

    *Biden administration figures went on TV and tipped off Hezbollah exactly where to attack Israel.

    *Shoplifters should be shot dead on the spot.

    *This is how abortion works in America:
    "If it’s after the 9th month and the baby was born, you put the baby aside. You discuss with the mother, and if the mother doesn’t want the baby, we execute the baby."

    *He admires President Xi because he controls China and 1.4 billion Chinese "with an iron fist."

    *Joe Biden is inviting terrorists into the U.S. because his boss is Barack HUSSEIN Obama. (Emphasis Trump's.)

    *Biden has personally received illicit money from monsters, villains, dictators and terrorists.

    *Trump would have won in California, but the election was rigged.

    *Companies are fleeing New York because a racist attorney general is prosecuting him.

    *Far from being fraudulently inflated, Mar-A-Lago may perhaps be worth 18 billion dollars.

    *The January 6 sedition was a "Fedsurrection" in which "the Deep State coordinated their actions through proxies."

    *Forbes is out to get Trump because it's owned by Chinese communists. He "hereby demands an apology."

    *"Our veterans don't have cell phones."

    *He beat Barack Obama in 2016. And Jeb Bush started the Gulf War.

    *California should stop wildfires by keeping its forests damp.

    *The boating industry asked for Trump's help because they weren't going to be allowed to make boats that could travel faster than 2 miles per hour. This was to protect the whales. Even though the true danger to whales is that they commit suicide by jumping up into windmills "at levels never seen before."

    *Trump's lawyers are in court right now, arguing that Trump had no obligation to "support" the Constitution on January 6.

    That's your candidate. But by all means, focus on what you think Biden might say.
