Saturday, September 30, 2023


Red State: "Biden Thinks He's Going to Tag the GOP for Gov't Shutdown, but CNN Has a Big Surprise for Him." 


  1. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Ah, the discredited outlier poll that keeps on giving to desperate Republicans.

    "The Biden Shutdown" is as likely as "the Ramaswamy Presidency."

  2. Anonymous2:03 AM

    I read the whole article but I couldn't find these quotes from Republicans (of many).

    “There was an outcry from rank-and-file that want a [continuing resolution]. We’re tired of fucking around with these whack jobs.”
    —Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE)

    “It’s a shit show in the House. It’s always a shit show in the House. Eventually what’s going to happen is a government shutdown that will not go well for us.”
    —Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

    “[The MAGA Representatives] have, frankly, been stuck on stupid.”
    —Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY)

    “Unless you get everything, shut it down.”
    —Retarded 2024 GOP nominee for President Donald Trump
