Thursday, September 21, 2023

Time for the 25th Amendment

A couple days ago, Maureen Dowd of the New York Times pretty much confirmed what we all suspected about Dementia Joe Biden getting press questions in advance:
Since he became president, Biden has sharply curbed how much he talks to the press, rarely giving interviews. He limits his press conferences mostly to duets with foreign leaders, where he can put his foreign policy relationships and experience on display. Even then, White House officials preselect questioners and aggressively approach reporters to ferret out what topics they would focus on if they were picked. On Friday at the White House, after backing the autoworkers in their strike, he didn’t take questions.
Do tell: it's pretty obvious that Biden can no longer answer extemporaneous questions and relies heavily on notecards and teleprompters in any public setting.  Presidents usually have joint press conferences when foreign guests visit the White House but Biden's staff just makes up ridiculous excuses why these never occur. 

This is only going to get worse.  But...Kamala?  Oh, no, no.


  1. Anonymous10:46 PM

    It's going to be funny when he beats Trump, but is completely unaware of it.

    Thursdays are a Joe Biden is a Senile Meatsack Who Doesn’t Know Words Anymore day.

    Fridays are a Joe Biden is the New Lex Luthor Overseeing a Ruthless Crime Cabal day.

  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Every day is a 'Joe Biden once again displays that he deteriorating significantly' day, and, even back when he was in possession of his total faculties, he was one of the dimmer bulbs in the box. He is incapable of the demands of the Presidency. Everyone knows that, although many are willing to ignore it, to the peril of all of us.

  3. Anonymous4:14 PM

    2016 GOP nominee: Donald Trump.
    2020 GOP nominee: Donald Trump.
    2024 GOP nominee: Donald Trump.

    You were saying something about being imperiled by a dim bulb's deteriorating capabilities?
