Thursday, September 07, 2023

Schadenfreude overload

The Corner: "On Illegal Immigration, Mayor Eric Adams Is an Incoherent Mess"
Why should illegal immigrants be in Texas and not New York? New York City is a self-designated “sanctuary”; Texas is not. What did New Yorkers think that meant? Why are they surprised that a non-sanctuary jurisdiction such as Texas would “bus” illegal immigrants “up” to a sanctuary jurisdiction such as their own? Do they not own a dictionary? Did they think it was a joke? Was their willingness to serve as a “sanctuary” only operative when they believed that nobody would show up?
Ding ding ding!  We have a winner.

What about the Statue of Liberty, Mayor?  What about that poem?

John Hayward has a long thread excoriating Eric Adams on the emptiness of his complaints now.  You voted for this, New York, and now you can take it good and hard.



  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Mayor Adams should follow the model of appropriate Republican leadership, and fill the Hudson River with large buoys wrapped in razor wire.

  2. Anonymous6:15 PM

    [previous post deleted]

    Heh. The expunged post cited far too many inconveniently ludicrous lies by Eric Adams. Heckler's veto... activate!
