Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Modern problems require modern solutions

Ace: "Supermarkets Are Closing in Chicago Due to Mass Looting, So the Woke Mayor Proposes... the State Opening Its Own Supermarkets So That Thieves Still Have Stores to Loot From." 

I would actually love to see a government-run supermarket.  Chicago has the best ideas. 


  1. Anonymous2:19 AM

    The fifteen U.S. cities suffering the highest larceny theft rates:

    1. Great Falls, Montana
    2. Fairbanks, Alaska
    3. Salt Lake City, Utah
    4. Memphis, Tennessee
    5. Shreveport, Louisana
    6. Alexandria, Louisiana
    7. Joplin, Missouri
    8. Spokane, Washington
    9. Monroe, Louisiana
    10. Florence, South Cariolina
    11. Anchorage, Alaska
    12. Lubbock, Texas
    13. Billings, Montana
    14. St. Joseph, Missouri
    15. Baton Rouge, Louisiana

    Hey, look! There's a blue state at #8.

  2. Anonymous5:14 PM

    This problem is well beyond political considerations. Isn't it nifty how blue areas fired the police then quit reporting most crime and decided no bail would cure inequality. The common thread is the dark hearts of some willing to commit unspeakable crime for a living on people that chose to work for theirs. There are uncivil and immoral people everywhere. Once we decide to sequester these individuals away from the civil and moral society we can begin to heal as a trusting, viable republic but not until.

  3. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Well, when the retailers in all those blue-state cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago stop reporting larceny thefts because the police in those cities are too understaffed to even show up, and even if they caught the thieves, they wouldn't get prosecuted anyway, that does tend to make your larceny theft rate look a lot better than it really is, amirite?

  4. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Revising the hard stats until they say what you wanted them to say? Nice try.

    Conservatives used to sloganeer "Facts don't care about your feelings."

    More and more, conservatives keep switching to "My feelings don't care about your facts."

  5. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Today I learned that an idiot think that a few stolen bicycles in Montana is the same thing as smash and grab mobs of several hundred people in California and Pennsylvania targeting high end department stores.

    This is what happens when you train yourself to believe that your mommy has a penis.

  6. Anonymous9:04 PM

    "These are the actual statistics, which undermine the crisis narrative."

    "No, the made-up numbers in my head are the real ones."

    "I thought Republicans liked to claim that they're 'the reality party' that values truth and facts."

    "Your mama has a dick."
