Sunday, September 10, 2023

Good riddance, high-school graduate Chuck Todd

Chuck Todd's last "Meet the Press" was today.  His legacy will be taking the longest-running show on television and the former flagship of Sunday morning shows and running it into the ground.

I stopped watching "Meet the Press" a long time ago but sometimes - when I wasn't fast enough to change the channel - I would catch a couple seconds where Todd would inevitably focus on Trump.  This was his white whale for nine years and the show settled into the same tedious pattern of Saturday Night Live when Alec Baldwin would appear.  Todd ruined MTP with his obvious bias, routinely interrupting right-leaning guests while vigorously defending his favored political party.  

Todd took a once-venerable and balanced political show and turned it into MSNBC.  Don't let the door hit you in the ass, Chuckie. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Please don't take this as a defense of hacky "we'll move on/we'll have to leave it there" Chuck Todd, but...

    "I refused to watch him but I can tell you exactly what he always did for nine years"?

    Take off the martyr's cloak and the Trump-colored glasses.
