Monday, September 18, 2023

All the media is Philip Bump

Reason: "There's Plenty of Evidence of Corruption Around Biden."
"Mr. Biden repeatedly said he had 'never discussed' and had 'never spoken to' Hunter about his business dealings, and Republicans have produced no evidence that he was ever briefed on specific transactions or deals," according to Luke Broadwater of The New York Times.

You'll note how "no evidence" morphs into "no clear evidence" about "specific transactions"—those goal posts must be mounted on wheels. But a lot of the same outlets saying there's no evidence spend a lot of ink disputing the persuasiveness of evidence they tell us doesn't exist.
Here's the reference in the title, ICYMI.  I'd sure like to see the mainstream media attack this story with the same level of evidence scrutiny they afforded the Brett Kavanaugh allegations.


  1. Anonymous11:35 PM

    [b]The NY Times is gonna NY Times… and vice versa![/b]

    Blame for reneging on the budget deal is assigned to “the political machinery.” And thus a Speaker is “left without the votes” as if corralling votes isn’t a Speaker’s primary job.

    This Times report is an exquisite specimen. The headline — “Congress Falters as Shutdown Looms” — is pitch-perfect. It belongs in a museum.

  2. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I'd sure like to see the mainstream media attack this story with the same level of evidence scrutiny they afforded the Brett Kavanaugh allegations.

    Which gives away the "We hunger for vengeance" centrality of the "Biden crime family" bullshit, but we'll skip past that.

    You wouldn't really be happy if Hunter Biden received the same level of scrutiny as Brett Kavanaugh.

    Reuters: FBI ignored tips on Brett Kavanaugh, Senate Democrats charge

    ABA Journal: My Kavanaugh tips were never investigated by the FBI, say Akin Gump partner and others

    New Yorker: The F.B.I. Probe Ignored Testimonies from Former Classmates of Kavanaugh

    Daily Beast: FBI Admits It Got 4,500 Tips on Brett Kavanaugh — Then Punted Them to Trump Team

    Vanity Fair: The FBI Confirms Its Brett Kavanaugh Investigation Was a Total Sham
