Sunday, August 13, 2023

Whelp, there goes $1609

Breitbart: "Heritage Foundation: American aid to Ukraine costs $900 per household."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:09 AM

    U.S. Inflation, Year Over Year
    Apr 2022 — 8.3%
    May 2022 — 8.6%
    June 2022— 9.1%
    July 2022— 8.5%
    Aug 2022 — 8.3%
    Sept 2022— 8.2%
    Oct 2022 — 7.7%
    Nov 2022 — 7.1%
    Dec 2022 — 6.5%
    Jan 2023 — 6.4%
    Feb 2023 — 6.0%
    Mar 2023 — 5.0%
    Apr 2023 — 4.9%
    May 2023 — 4.0%
    June 2023— 3.0%
    July 2023— 3.2%

    July 2023—
    Actual RNC Research headline:
    Bidenflation Is On The Rise… Again!
