Saturday, August 12, 2023

The next stage of the coverup

Wall Street Journal: "A Not-So-Special Counsel for Hunter Biden"
This is another example of the way that Mr. Garland, supposedly a man of sound judgment, has belly flopped his department into the 2024 presidential campaign.

He unleashed special counsel Jack Smith to pursue Donald Trump, and Mr. Smith has obliged with two prosecutions. He named a special counsel to investigate Joe Biden’s mishandling of secret documents, but no one expects anything beyond a stern rebuke to come out of that. Now he’s doing the same with the Hunter prosecution to uncertain result.

Mr. Garland claims he has done all this to remove any political taint from the investigations, but this is having the opposite effect. We are now going to have a presidential election debate adjudicated in effect by special counsels. Don’t expect any of this to calm our partisan furies or restore faith in nonpartisan justice.
Good thing he was kept off the Supreme Court, the dancing monkey. 


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    34 Republican Senators including Marsha Blackburn and Ron Johnson specifically asked Merrick Garland to make David Weiss a special counsel in his investigation of Hunter Biden.

    Marsha Blackburn, yesterday:
    "Merrick Garland appointed David Weiss as special counsel because he knows that Weiss will protect Hunter."

    Ron Johnson, yesterday:
    "I highly doubt U.S. Attorney Weiss intends to hold Hunter Biden or any of his family members accountable. Weiss is probably the least independent person that Merrick Garland could have appointed."

    Republicans are preposterous fake martyrs.

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Add Senator Ted "We Demand David Weiss" Cruz to the list of unserious clowns.

    "This appointment is camouflage, and it's cover up. I think it's disgraceful. Listen, David Weiss was the U.S. attorney who was handpicked to lead this investigation, and who spent the last five years covering it up. He is a wildly inappropriate person to be a special counsel.”

    There'll be more. Cretinous statements are gourmet MAGA food.
