Friday, August 25, 2023

Sounds like a fun time

Washington Free Beacon: "This Portland Woman Won't Date You Unless You Suffer From Crippling Climate Anxiety" - "New York Times guest columnist explains 'why I bring up climate change on first dates'." 

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde: you'd need to have a heart of stone not to laugh at this nutcase.


  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    The most important national news story of August 24-25, 2023:
    Some shit-stirring clickbait conservative website snarking at some woman who worries about climate change and wants her dates to do the same, but she is probably a big fat hypocrite who wouldn't take action in accordance with her beliefs, and though there's no actual evidence of her moral failing, you and we know that very few of them aren't phonies.

    Oh, and it's also shit-stirring clickbait from a week and a half ago.

    And that's the top news for Friday, August 25.

    The historical record of our times.

    When Biden beats Trump again, it'll be shoplifting somewhere, a Babylon Bee headline, and a contorted legal fable by Jonathan Turley.

  2. Anonymous9:38 PM

    To paraphrase Oscar Wilde on people who deny the long-known reality of climate change:
    "The function of the (bullshit) artist is to invent, not to chronicle."
