Saturday, August 19, 2023

Life comes at you fast



  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Then it's good timing that New York City's GDP has grown under Bidenomics. It's recouped all its losses during Trump's presidency, and then some.

  2. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Wonderful news! New York claimed and has received $104.6 million out of an $800 million federal fund created to alleviate overcrowded migrant holding facilities. An additional $600 million is being negotiated.

    Those are your real tax dollars, being wasted to address a concocted crisis. But at least the bus ride theater called attention to Ron DeSantis's MAGA bonafides and boosted his primary chances... a result that can't miss!

    Haven't those clickbait headlines been worth 104 million NYC dollars of fun?
