Thursday, August 17, 2023

Biden talks to the press!

It went like this:
THE PRESIDENT:  I’ll speak about one thing: Mrs. Casey.  Nothing else.
Q    Okay.
THE PRESIDENT:  Do you have a question about Casey?
So, yeah, there you go.


  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    As long as you remain "reluctant" to acknowledge the #1 political story in the country, and possibly in America's history, it's always time to change the subject to something else.

    The Washington Post:
    With unemployment near 50-year lows, inflation edging down and wages rising faster than prices, businesses and families are still spending: Orders for American-made goods spiked in June and fresh data this week shows that retail and restaurant sales climbed for the fourth straight month in July. The Atlanta Fed is now predicting economic growth will reach 5 percent this quarter.

    Business owners around the country say demand remains brisk. Despite earlier precautions, such as cutbacks in marketing or delayed investments, many say they’ve been pleasantly surprised that people are continuing to spend. Instead of axing workers, some are hiring more or offering overtime, just to keep up.

    As the good news piles up,
    economists and forecasters are revising their recession calls — pushing their projections for a downturn further into the future or scrapping them altogether. Fed staff, who had worried about a “mild” recession this spring, are no longer expecting an imminent downturn. And economists at the country’s two largest banks, JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America, recently tossed out their recession forecasts, saying they expect economic growth to continue through the end of 2024.

    “The combination of strong job growth, elevated job openings, and limited layoffs is not indicative of a recession,” Michael Feroli, chief U.S. economist at JPMorgan, wrote in a research note this month. “The likelihood of a contraction has diminished.”

    As someone wrote one week ago, "That's Bidenomics!"

  2. Anonymous5:30 PM

    arohi said...
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    No need to spam. There are real-time crickets on this blog already.
