Monday, August 21, 2023

A disaster of incompetence in Hawaii

This is a long and detailed review on Hot Air; "Maui response is a disaster."
Almost two weeks after the fire in Maui ripped through Lahaina far too little is still known, far too little has been done to help the victims, and not enough attention has been paid to the series of government failures that led to the worst wildfire losses in American history.
It turns out that fire officials in Hawaii have been sounding the alarm for wildfire prevention for at least 16 years, including a public hearing in 2018 attended by zero state senators.  The guy in charge of emergency operations had no background in disaster response.  The warning sirens weren't used and water was held back for five hours while first responders were put on hold.  It's a stunning display of incompetence, top to bottom, building up for years.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    It can be called incompetence and or democratic democracy. Failing on every level at every opportunity is their legacy. The republic is dead. Do not expect anyone to ride in or save you unless you try to defend your unalienable liberties. Then you are guilty until proven innocent
