Saturday, July 01, 2023

This is just elder abuse

Spectator World: "Biden's decline deepens in MSNBC interview."
At this stage in his obvious mental decline, Biden can only manage about fifteen minutes of unscripted remarks before he slips into broken sentences, impossible to diagram, that meander between fond personal memories and aw shucks “it ain’t your father’s Republican Party” bullet points hammered so deeply into his psyche that he leans on them in moments of confusion.
As somebody who (regrettably) has read a lot of Joe's speeches, this is indisputably true: Joey has his talking points and he's going to repeat them whether they're true or not.  The MSNBC interview paid commercial was the opposite of journalism, where Grandpa was allowed to ramble on about his time in the war.  Nicolle Wallace didn't ask softball questions, she didn't ask questions at all.  So Dementia Joe just repeated his greatest hits.

It's clear that Biden can't think and speak extemporaneously anymore.  In every speech, he stares at either a teleprompter or prepared notes then takes no questions as the press is huddled out of the room.  He's been caught with embarrassingly-detailed notes meant for a toddler or advanced notification of questions in a press conference.  On the rare times a shouted question gets past his handlers, he regularly gets angry and then says things that are either untrue or self-serving, usually both.  

There was a point when conservatives would point at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and say "get a load of this dopey broad."  But then it became old news: she's a dimwit.  But it's now beyond tiresome to say that Biden is a slow guy who makes up stories to elevate himself.  He's the President of the United States who obviously cannot do the job, who is in mental and physical decline, and endangers the country.  His family props him up for the cash while the media does it for clicks and laughs.

Biden is at Camp David again this weekend, with no public events, and an oxygen mask strapped around his face. 

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