Monday, July 03, 2023

The state of media bias

Wall Street Journal: "Hunter Biden and the Media’s Terms of Evasion - What’s going on is ‘unclear,’ but ‘Republicans pounce’ anyway."
Obviously, if Joe Biden were a Republican, the whistleblowers’ claims would be front page news from now until Christmas. Reporters would be tripping over each other to get a story that could conceivably topple a president. But that’s not what we have here. It’s no mystery why.

I’d love to live in a world without media bias. What a relief it would be to open my morning paper in full confidence that the news stories were playing it straight—no political bias, no partisan spin. I might even settle for having to guess which side the journalists were pulling for. But most of them make it perfectly clear.
If Joe Biden were a Republican, his disowned granddaughter would be discussed on MSNBC nightly.  

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