Sunday, July 23, 2023

Games liberals play

Or: how to lie with statistics.  From "Why is Joe Biden so unpopular?"  See if you can spot the trick:
In contrast, a gallon of gas today costs roughly 30% less than it did 12 months ago. At 3.6%, unemployment is on par with 50-year lows — and down by almost half since Biden took office. The U.S. economy added 4 million jobs over the past year. Inflation has cooled to 3% after peaking last summer at triple that rate. And America’s so-called misery index — a combination of unemployment and inflation — is lower now than it has been during 83% of all months since 1978.
In other news, Joe Biden bought the polio rate down 99.9% since 1952!  You can make any statistic look favorable once you adjust the time scale.  Gas is down from a year ago?  What was it when Dementia Joe took office?  (It was $2.39/gallon).  Similarly, how was that misery index before Joe took over?

It seems like only the more conservative media wants to address these constant falsehoods: "The continuing unreality of Bidenomics"
A distinctive feature of Joe Biden’s presidency is the frequency with which his economic claims are rebutted by the government’s own statistics. One can find this disturbing or amusing—or perhaps both if one is determined to carry a good mood into the weekend while remaining clear-eyed about the country’s challenges.
Today in a Journal op-ed President Joe Biden follows up on a piece from last year in which he pretended to be the author of an economic rebound who took office amid a “stalled” recovery. Yet Mr. Biden’s own Commerce Department affirms that the U.S. economy was growing faster during the quarter he took office than it has in the two years since.
It's a mystery why Joe Biden is so unpopular.  Assemble the Scooby Doo gang.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    The wave of economic good news is fake… but President Biden’s approval rating is pivotal?

    Heh. Good luck with that.

    And keep a candle burning in the window for the huge recession that’s forever coming any day now. Just like the Republicans’ replacement health care plan, Jesus Christ, and the next “Game of Thrones” book.
