Friday, June 02, 2023

The media springs to action!

Federalist: "Joe Biden, The Jock."
That’s pretty alarming [Biden's fall]. But because the media got Biden elected and are therefore invested in keeping up the illusion that he’s not a barely breathing prune of a person, the reality needed some finessing.

The New York Times dutifully noted in an article that the collapse came after an “energetic” speech — he’s youthful, people! — and that it was merely one of those “embarrassing moments” that are “not uncommon for presidents.”

Biden needed the help of two men to get back on his feet. But, folks! He’s fit as a fiddle!
I expected no less. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:14 PM

    After falling flat on your face with Tara Reade, you should be more sympathetic.

    "Joe Biden's blood pressure and laboratory test results are astonishingly excellent. His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary. Mr. Biden, I can state unequivocally, is the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."
