Friday, May 05, 2023

We don't have a President

PJ Media: "Confused Old Man Pretending to Be President Announces ‘Major Press Conference’ When There Isn’t One."

It was an interview with MSNBC.  We assume "The View" was already booked.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:10 AM

    In rape deposition video released today, Donald Trump couldn't distinguish between a photograph of his accuser and a photograph of his second wife.

    When caught undermining his own defense that he's not sexually attracted to women who look like his accuser, he declared that the photo was "blurry."

    Trump was also asked about the notorious taped "grab them by the pussy" remarks. In 2016, Trump had originally expressed regret for making the comments. In 2017, he denied it was him speaking on the tape. Now, Trump affirmed what he'd said to Access Hollywood was correct:

    "Well, historically, that's true with stars. If you look over the last million years, I guess that's been largely true. Unfortunately or fortunately."

    Unfortunately or fortunately, this clear-headed and disciplined President -- our last real President -- also thought the prosecuting attorney needed to hear that he's not sexually attracted to her, either.
