Monday, May 22, 2023

Four legs good, two legs better

Really good follow-on of the Turley article is this one today by Charles C.W. Cooke where everybody on the Left embraces crazy ideas they once firmly rejected: "Why Can’t Progressive Writers Defend the Law?"
Nobody — I will repeat nobody — believes that the 14th Amendment took the power of the purse away from Congress. President Biden doesn’t believe it. The collection of legislators who are writing to Biden don’t believe it. Laurence Tribe, who explained in 2011 why the claim is absurd before he pretended to have changed his mind this year, doesn’t believe it. There is no case here beyond necessity. This isn’t a question of whether the plan is a good one or a bad one; the plan isn’t permissible in the first place. We might as well have a debate about whether the president should “decide” to serve a five-year term.
One quibble: I'm not sure Joe Biden believes it or not.  I think he'll just say whatever he's told for a pudding cup.

Tell me again about the adults in the room, protecting democracy:
What is it about American progressivism that folds instantly in the face of preposterous legal sophistry? Why are left-leaning journalists at prestigious outlets such as the Times so utterly incapable of resisting the temptation to turn the law into sand? Why does their supposed love of “democracy” — and that’s what this is about: voters gave Republicans the House; Biden is trying to cut them out of the process — stop the very moment that Republicans obtain a set of constitutionally promulgated powers?
They had to burn the Constitution to save it.


  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Got any rulings or precedent to back up your absolute certainty on this non-adjudicated question?

  2. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Nathan Tankus:
    "Could you imagine if Biden pulled a trillion dollar coin from behind Kevin McCarthy's ear on live television? It would be the greatest moment in American history."
