Monday, May 08, 2023

Because they won't give the questions in advance

NY Post editorial: "Why are White House staff afraid to let a Post reporter question Biden?"

For the record, Biden's only public event today was to tell us that airlines should give you a meal voucher if your flight is delayed.  You know: Presidential stuff.  Then he turned on his heel and left once the questions started. 


  1. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Exclusive to the New York Post: "Waahhh" says New York Post about the New York Post

    Now, imagine the caliber of the man who timidly no-showed a debate against Joe Biden the feeble-minded puppet. And is openly floating the prospect of ducking all three debates next year.

    Maybe Trump's lookalike wife E. Jean Carroll will convince him to show up.

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    The jury has found that Donald Trump, the leader of the Republican Party, is a rapist.

    So today's outrage news item will be something like Joe Biden incorrectly buttoning his shirt.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Kangaroo lawfare CIVIL Court BS

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Kangaroo lawfare CIVIL Court BS

    Hug your rapist twice as tight!

    Andrew Fleischman:
    "New York juries are so biased they will find a dude liable based on nothing more than eyewitness testimony, contemporaneous accounts of that testimony, other victims, failure to testify, a disastrous deposition, and a taped admission to doing the thing he's accused of."

    Hmm... I wonder what this website's mention ratio of E. Jean Carroll to Tara Reade might be?
