Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Back to work, Grampa

USA Today: "Reckless spending and inflation are forcing many Americans to 'unretire'." - "According to a survey by Paychex, 55% of retirees who went back to work said they did so because they needed more money, and 1 in 6 retirees is considering returning to work."


  1. "Conservatives Need to Talk about Tara Reade Precisely because Truth Matters."9:32 PM

    Grampa Biden's sex crime accuser Tara Reade is now living in Russia.

    And convicted Russiagate spy Marina Butina is helping Reade to get full Russian citizenship.

    You really called that one.

    Believe Women! Or as your hallucinatory scandal lady Tara Reade would say, "Верьте женщинам."

    I hear she's even willing to say it under oath!

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    When *hasn’t* there been the refrain “reckless spending is gonna force pensioners to unretire”? MSM just points j’accuse at a different party/ administration depending on which way the wind is blowing their paycheck .
    Regarding Tara Reade defection change of subject , please, remind me which State Police force Trump used to both chauffeur and threaten his dates with allegedly when he was governor?

  3. Anonymous5:16 PM

    The actual "Tara Reade defection change of subject" is the predictable silence from people who tried to elevate her.

    Not because she was ever credible, but because the right wanted a claim to "cancel out" reported misdeeds from their side. Briefly it was Brett Kavanaugh. Then it was revived as a whatabout to the since convicted sex offender (and Reade's fellow Russian stooge) Donald Trump.

    And look at you, right on schedule, invoking Trump in conjunction with some other cryptic sex accusation. As if the comparison cleanses Trump.

    Much ventured, nothing learned from the Tara Reade joyride to nowhere.

  4. Anonymous5:22 PM

    It certainly wasn't just one site. Here’s a month and a half’s worth of giddy headlines from Reason.

    Joe Biden Said He Believes All Women. Does He Believe Tara Reade?

    Why Are the Mainstream Media Ignoring Tara Reade's Sexual Assault Accusation Against Joe Biden?

    Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegation Made Alyssa Milano Backtrack on 'Believing All Women'

    The New York Times Is Extremely Skeptical of Tara Reade's Sexual Assault Accusation Against Joe Biden. Imagine That.

    New York Times Editor Excuses Paper's Slow Tara Reade Coverage: 'Kavanaugh Was a Running, Hot Story'

    Tara Reade's Mother Allegedly Discussed Joe Biden's Abusive Office With Larry King in 1993

    Tara Reade Has New Evidence She Told Her Joe Biden Sexual Assault Story Decades Ago

    On Biden Sexual Assault Allegation, Silence Then Hypocrisy

    Justin Amash: If Biden Assaulted Tara Reade, He Is Disqualified From Being President

    Joe Biden Denies Sexual Assault Accusation, Fails To Explain Why 'Believe Victims' Doesn't Apply to Tara Reade

    Well, At Least He's My Accused Sexual Assaulter!

    If We Judged Joe Biden Under the Title IX Standards He Championed for Accused Student Rapists, He Would Be Guilty

    Joe Biden Leads Democrats Back to the Norm of Ignoring Inconvenient #MeToo Accusations
    Remember Bill Clinton?

    Tara Reade Tells Megyn Kelly That Joe Biden 'Should Not Be Running on Character'

    Feminists Who Now Claim They Never Meant 'Believe All Women' Are Gaslighting Us

    No updated Tara Reade headlines on Reason.com yesterday or today, though. “Imagine That.”

  5. Anonymous4:22 PM

    "Update": Nope, there still aren't any new Tara Reade headlines from Reason.com.

    And they so loved to report that Reade's tale was being "ignored" and "downplayed" because of "hypocrisy" and "double standards." It was "baffling silence" from the media, said Reason.

    It's looking like Reason's coverage of Comrade Reade will conk out with gaslighting feminists, Joe Biden's lack of character, and the liberals' favorite horndog Bill Clinton.

    Or perhaps Reason.com is letting their self-reflective analysis marinate slowly, slowly, into a deep insightful think piece about certain emotional dopamine trigger stories leading certain types of pundits down the garden path.

  6. Anonymous2:01 PM

    The deafening quiet continues at Reason.

    So if you want fresh Tara Reade content, you'll have to go to Megyn Kelly's Apple Podcast. Reade was Kelly's guest on Friday, and told America that Vladimir Putin has liberated Ukraine from Nazis. The Ukranian people say how happy they are to be invaded, but the Western media is suppressing those facts.

    What a missed opportunity that someone this credible never testified against Joe Biden under oath.
