Thursday, May 25, 2023

Americans are immune to the gaslighting

Hot Air: "'Horrible for Joe Biden': CNN poll shows Biden with 35% favorability." 

How can this be?  Didn't America hear about how Joe Biden reduced the deficit by $1.7 trillion?  Oh, wait, that was a lie.

Good luck blaming Republicans for the debt ceiling battle when your numbers have been steadily declining for a month now, Joe. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:29 AM

    "'Horrible for Joe Biden': CNN poll shows Biden with 35% favorability."

    CNN knows about horrible. The network has fallen to 4th place in cable news since airing its Donald Trump crap-tacular.

    Also, Joe Biden's average approval is currently 42%, not 35%.

    I'll see your 35% poll, and raise you Rasmussen's 51% Biden approval from last month. (Set fire to them both.)

    Except for a slight dip in summer 2022, President Biden's approval numbers have been monotonously stable for the last year and a half.

    And... Real Clear Politics? Really? After they've misled credulous conservatives into expecting THREE red wave elections in a row? How many times are you going to lick that same electric fence?

    Righties just can't quit the artificial sugar highs of RCP's selective math.
