Saturday, April 29, 2023

Weekend at Bernie's

Federalist: "How Far Will Corporate Media Go To Cover For And Re-Elect Joe Biden?" - "The president’s press conference cheat sheet raises serious questions about journalistic ethics as well as his declining mental state."
It’s one thing for the White House staff to tell the president what to do or even to supply him with answers to possible questions that he can’t be relied upon to remember without a script in front of him. It’s quite another when members of the White House press corps are actively colluding in the charade. And that is what the photo of his presser cheat sheet revealed.
Gosh, I wonder why trust in the mainstream media keeps falling. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Gosh, I wonder why trust in the mainstream media keeps falling.

    Ask Rupert and Tucker.

    They'll pay you a fortune not to answer.
