Friday, April 07, 2023

There goes Joe, taking responsibility and not blaming others again

So brave, such leadership.  Ace: "Biden Junta Releases Report on His Bloody Afghanistan Bungling The Day Before Most of DC Goes On Vacation; NSC Spokesliar Claims It's Not About "Accountability," But Also, It's All Trump's Fault."

Here's CBS News's Ed O'Keefe sounding suspiciously like a red-pilled journalist:
"This 12-page document is a whitewash. It is narrative. It is light on specifics. It is devoid of citations. And it is in essence their version of events. As the classified reports conducted by the State Department and the Pentagon are being sent to lawmakers on the relevant committees for their full review, White House saying it will not release those classified reports to the general public, although, inevitably, details of those reports likely will ultimately somehow get out there in the public severe sphere. We’ll wait to see how and when."
O'Keefe also criticized the news dump on the afternoon before a holiday weekend.  Fun fact: Dementia Joe Biden took a break from his grueling schedule of having lunch with Kamala so he could leave for Camp David on Thursday afternoon and start the long weekend.  He left the White House via a motorcade so that he could avoid the press pool he would have to pass if he used Marine One.


  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Ah, the old Afghanistan two-step.

    Guess it wasn't the best day for yet another "The Left hates free speech" post.

    Not with Elon Musk banning Twitter links to Substack, and Matt Taibbi taking a public drubbing over his "Twitter Files" errors.

    And not with Idaho's Attorney general threatening doctors not to give patients information about out-of-state abortion care.

    And not with the Tennessee House banning the will of its voters.

    Today, the Babylon Bee's CEO praised Musk for restoring free speech to Twitter. Must be another one of their feeble jokes.

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    But there's good Twitter news for conservative free speech. Even as he's screwing around with U.S. journalists and organizations, Say Anything Elon has lifted the restrictions on Russian government accounts. The murderous invasion seemed bad a year ago, sure, but now it's more like the weather.

  3. Anonymous1:53 PM

    First there was the brutal "Stop, stop, can't you see he's already dead?" on-air fact check of Matt Taibbi's.

    Now, Elon Musk has made the explosive journalism archive of Matt Taibbi's "Twitter Files" unsearchable. Because they're just TOO true!

    Musk has exposed one thing, though: how much less bias there was within Twitter before he got there.

    The central plank of today's Republicans: Every accusation is a confession.

  4. Anonymous7:05 PM

    The independent Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) released its own autopsy of the US-backed Afghan state in February. It differs materially from the Good Friday document dumped by the White House:
