Sunday, March 12, 2023

Risk management

NY Post: "While Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, top executive pushed ‘woke’ programs." - "A head of risk management at Silicon Valley Bank spent considerable time spearheading multiple “woke” LGBTQ+ programs, including a “safe space” for coming out stories, as the firm catapulted toward collapse." 


  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Oh no! T'was wokeness killed the bank!

    After the Dodd-Frank Act was weakened during the Trump administration, the SVB bank hired two of Kevin McCarthy's senior advisors to lobby for the weakened regulations that precipitated this particular bank's collapse. McCarthy himself pushed for the changes.

    But never mind what happened... he important thing is how does it make you feel? WOKE! WOKE! WOOOOOOKE!

  2. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Derek Thompson:
    “Whatever I don’t like is woke” is an illustrious genre, millions and millions of volumes deep.

    But nobody is going to beat “regional banks failing to hedge their interest rate risk is woke.” This is peak.

  3. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Actually, peak wokeness is hiring a Risk Manager who's online bio starts off by stating "I am a queer person of color".

    If that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the bank's priorities, then you're undoubtedly pretty woke yourself, and deserve to live somewhere with a defunded police department, be treated by doctors who got into medical school despite having flunked organic chemistry so the a DEI quota could be filled, and whose children will graduate high school unable to read or do basic math, but are well-versed in butt-pluggery and why white people are evil.

  4. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Don't be woke retarded.

  5. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Yeah, maybe you're starting to understand...

  6. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Pull the buttplug from your thinking hole. You're going to have to incoherently troll harder than that.

    The Hill:
    Most in new poll view ‘woke’ as positive term

  7. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Touré @Toure: At this point woke is a slur. The way the right uses it is an undercover way of saying "those people," or "non-white people." It's a polite way of saying the n-word but in this case the n-word includes Blacks, LGBTQ folks, and other marginalized groups.

  8. Anonymous7:31 PM

    BTW, IIRC the state of Delaware recently lowered the score it takes to pass the bar exam because the pool of law graduates that were passing it every year wasn't, ah, diverse enough. Just sayin'.

  9. Anonymous9:28 PM

    So will Delaware be getting more woke lawyers, or will they be getting more... ahem... "woke" lawyers? You and I know what kind, wink wink.

    It is a switch to see conservatives opposed to lowering professional standards to promote diversity in the law:

  10. Anonymous5:25 PM

    What do you mean by "lowering professional standards"?

    Do you mean the kind of Supreme Court Justice that votes according to what's explicitly written in the Constitution, or you mean the kind of Supreme Court Justice that was nominated *specifically* for the color of her skin and for her, ah, gender, in spite of the fact that she couldn't define what a woman is for fear of upsetting her Party's voting base?

    I mean, how hard is it to simply state that 'a woman is an adult human who has an XX chromosome in every cell in her body'? Even you understand that, right? It's the latest Progressive Mantra: Follow the Science, right?

  11. Anonymous5:37 PM

    BTW by posting that picture your racist roots are coming through loud & clear.

    I myself evaluate people based on their character, their actions, and their accomplishments & merit.

  12. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Ha ha, look at you coming back twice in half an hour to say "Lay off my obvious inconsistency, YOU'RE the real racist here!" Ouch! No one's ever tried that one on the internet before.

    Q1: Who brought up race first? "Just sayin'."

    Q2: When they were nominees, eight of the current Supreme Court Justices were rated "highly qualified" by the ABA. Can you name the only current Justice who failed to match the other eight's professional standard?

    (Hint: It's the color-blind pure merit jurist who saved his job by complaining about a "lynching for uppity blacks" during his hearing.)
