Friday, March 03, 2023

More on Sotomayor's great legal mind

James G. Martin Center: "The Supreme Court Hears Arguments in the Challenge to Biden’s Student-Loan Giveaway."
As is her wont, Justice Sonia Sotomayor would like the case to be decided on emotional grounds. She said to Nebraska’s attorney, “There’s 50 million students who will benefit from this. Many of them don’t have assets to bail them out after the pandemic. And what you’re saying is that we’re going to give judges the right to determine how much to give them instead of the Secretary of Education.” That probably won’t sway any of the justices who understand that the case turns on the legality of what the president has decreed, not on how many people might benefit from having their student loans cancelled.
Imagine that: a Justice ruling on the law.  Sotomayor is a joke.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:28 AM

    More on Sotomayor's great legal mind.... and still nothing on Fox News deliberately pushing the "stolen election" they knew to be a lie, with their own captured words exposing their complete absence of integrity.

    Instead, a full post on Andrea Mitchell and how she proves the liberal media is an unfair enemy.

    A full post on in-house complaints about the Times' "woke Maoists" and how that proves it's a liberal hive mind that brooks no dissent.

    A full post on a Gallup poll showing distrust in the media from a site laying the blame on liberal/left media and how that proves Democrats' refusal to tell the truth burned it all down.

    But not a peep about a colossal years-long conservative scandal that is beyond a matter of tone or opinion. After he and his channel were comprehensively exposed without hope of an alibi, Sean Hannity went on his show TONIGHT and asked whether the FBI had rigged the election.

    Sotomayor's a joke? Afraid we need a better referee calling that one. You have a lazy eye for spotting who the biggest jokes are.
