Thursday, March 23, 2023


Associated Press: "Biden approval dips near lowest point: AP-NORC poll."

I'll tell you why: as inflation stays stubbornly high, the border is unguarded, and banks are failing, Joe Biden spent the week (so far) meeting with the cast of "Ted Lasso" and then handing out medals to Mindy Kaling and Bruce Springsteen.  Yesterday and today, he gave his same tired speech to two different groups.  It doesn't matter who the audience might be, Joey wants you to applaud his gracious spending of taxpayer money.  Joey doesn't want to be questioned.

Sure a recession is right around the corner but did you hear that insulin is only $35 now?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    That 38% poll is 9% lower than yesterday's Rasmussen poll.

    Remember when Biden's polling was going to help drag the Democrats down in last year's midterms?

    President Biden's average approval today is 0.1% different than his approval on Election Eve, 2022.
