Thursday, February 02, 2023

That's what the media does

Federalist: "The Media Keep Lying To Protect Ilhan Omar."
Omar, when already a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, compared the United States to Hamas and the Taliban. After she was elected to Congress, Omar diminished the 9/11 attacks—“some people did something”— to exaggerate the presence of “Islamophobia” in this country, a comment that was worse, not better, in context. When Omar says House members are expected to pay “allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country” or that supporters of Israel are in it for “Benjamins,” she is not “being critical” of any policy, she is spreading ugly “tropes.”

The press then uncritically repeats Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries’s claim that Democrats “unequivocally condemned” Omar four years ago, without any pushback. But either Jeffries is lying or doesn’t understand that “unequivocal” means with “no doubt and “unambiguous.” The House passed a watered-down resolution mentioning Alfred Dreyfus, Leo Frank, Henry Ford, and “anti-Muslim bigotry” — and a bunch of other bad -isms — that never even mentions Omar. One expects there will be no media “fact checks” forthcoming.
The Democrats never think the policies they initiate will backfire on them.  It seems this is a lesson they refuse to learn and the media is happy to preserve their preferred narrative.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Republicans themselves approved Rep. Ilhan Omar’s election to the Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday with a unanimous consent on the House floor. In other words, they put her on the committee so they could pass a resolution the next day to vote her off.

    Can anyone remember when the Republican Party had real ideas of governance?

    Also: On your feet, patriots! Save gas stoves!!
