Wednesday, February 22, 2023

It's a mystery why trust in the media keeps plunging

Ace: "Andrea Mitchell Lies, Claiming Ron DeSantis Demands That "Slavery and the Aftermath of Slavery Should Not Be Taught to Florida Schoolchildren"."
We can no longer treat them respectfully. We can no longer treat them with dignity.

We can no longer treat them with tolerance.

Tolerance and respect are a two-way street -- and when one side refuses to grant it, the other side must refuse to grant it back.
Andrea Mitchell later submitted a completely horses--t "apology" to try to address the backlash but the damage was done.  I know I've said this before but it's long past time that Republicans push back on the Chuck Todds of the media (essentially everyone) who have no interest in fairness and objectivity.

Every conservative/Republican should show up on the Sunday talk shows with the absolutely reasonable assumption that the host is an enemy.  They need to confronted on previous statements and the disparity in questions depending on political persuasion.  This is required homework: there should be no expectation that the mainstream media will be fair

Extra - Being in the mainstream media means never having to say you're sorry.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Who's supposed to be gaslighted by this bilge?
