Tuesday, February 28, 2023

It's gonna be a "no" from me, dawg

SCOTUSblog: "Biden’s student-loan forgiveness plan gets cold reception from conservative justices."

If you recall, dear reader, the Biden administration kept changing the rules on this scheme to avoid standing so this case would never arrive at the Supreme Court.  Now that it's there, it looks like dead meat.

As predicted, the Wise Latina settled on the answer she wanted and worked backwards to find the legal justification.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    So you're just going to make believe that all these Fox News texts and testimony in the Dominion defamation lawsuit haven't happened, huh?

    You wrote a series of posts about Sarah Palin's stupid defamation suit against the New York Times that you knew to be dead on arrival.

    But the biggest journalism scandal in decades, involving everyone from ownership on down? Shhhh.

    You're not alone. Fox News has ordered its media analyst Howard Kurtz NOT to cover the Dominion story.

    Kurtz's in-house silencing is being covered as a news story by the Washington Post, National Review, The Hill, the Daily Beast, Business Insider, Yahoo, MSNBC and more.

    But can you guess what prominent and disreputable news website is NOT covering the Kurtz lockdown?
