Sunday, February 19, 2023

Haha - I *just* used that metaphor!

Twitchy: "LOL: The Left eating the Left is on the menu as Code Pink crashes Biden’s DC dinner."


  1. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Notice that Biden didn't scurry out the back door like a pussy, or demand that the FBI make arrests.

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Having a bunch of armed Secret Service agents around you who will - literally - give up their lives to protect you and who won't hesitate to shoot & kill anyone who attempts to harm you changes the situation a bit, don't you think?

    And demand to have Code Pink demonstrators arrested? What color is the sky on the world you come from, kiddo?

  3. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Brett Kavanaugh scurried out the back door like a pussy... with his security detail.

    Rand Paul lied that he was "attacked by an angry mob" and that the FBI should arrest his attackers. Paul was actually untouched by protesters, but was surrounded by police and other security personnel who formed a cordon around him.

    The sky in my world isn't as brown as the bullshit that you lap up, bunky.

  4. Anonymous4:02 PM

    You talking 'bout the same Rand Paul who had to have part of a lung removed after being attacked?

    And the same Brett Kavenaugh whose otherwise-peaceful neighborhood has been wracked with noisy demonstrators, of which Merrick Garland refuses to arrest even though demonstrating outside a federal judges' (or justices') home is against federal law?

    While we're on the subject, don't you think that the recent takeover of the Oklahoma apitol building to try to stop passage of that so-called 'transphobic' new law (which actually protects minor children from harming themselves by making irreversible decisions before they are mentally-competent to make them) sounds kind of, I don't know, insurrectionary? But it was progressives who did it, so no need for the mainstream media to even mention it. Just ignore it and all those uninformed voters will never know it happened.

  5. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Your complaint was about President Biden being shielded by shoot-to-kill teams, while Kavanaugh and Cruz and Paul were left unprotected and vulnerable.

    It was a stupid complaint and a false comparison, but it was the battle you chose.

    Your new whatabouts have rambled even further afield. A different Rand Paul incident with a non-protester? An invisible Oklahoma insurrection? The foul mainstream media putting their thumbs on elections? These whatabouts have wandered into the ocean and drowned.

    Trans people don't change as completely as you've needed to change your objections.
