Thursday, January 12, 2023

Who are these "people," Joe?

Here's Biden on Tuesday:
Well, let me get rid of the easy one first. People know I take classified documents and classified information seriously.
And today, citing the "Corvette standard" of security:
Q  So the material was in a locked garage?
THE PRESIDENT:  Yes, as well as my Corvette.
But as I said earlier this week, people know I take classified documents and classified material seriously.
Who are these "people" that believes Biden takes top secret material seriously?  Unsurprisingly, this is another false conceit that Biden arrogates upon himself.

You have to wonder if the Secret Service has been instructed to take a bullet for Joe Biden's ego.

Biden first did what he habitually does, which is to assert that “people know” some supposed attribute of his that, in fact, is neither an attribute of his nor believed by “people” to be one. In this instance, he said, “People know I take classified documents and classified information seriously.” We don’t know any such thing. The most sensitive thing Biden is known to have handled in his long political career is the pullout from Afghanistan, an utter catastrophe of his own making. He is a notorious plagiarist and résumé inflater whose best-known trait is to say with brimming confidence things that are not only untrue but easily demonstrated to be untrue. Everything about him screams sloppy and erratic, which is why White House aides charged with damage control hold their breath every time he speaks. There is absolutely no reason to believe he is any more careful in his handling of classified intelligence than in his handling of anything else.
"How could anybody be so irresponsible?"  


  1. Anonymous8:26 PM

    You should go back into your situational classified documents coma, rather than lower yourself this way.

  2. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Speaking of swallowing the alternate reality you're rooting for...

    Top Walgreens exec says threat of organized retail theft was overblown

    Walgreens CFO James Kehoe, speaking to stockholders on an earnings call:

    “Maybe we cried too much last year. We’re stabilized. We’re quite happy with where we are.
    …We’ve put in incremental security in the stores in the first quarter. Actually, probably we put in too much. We might step back a little bit from that.”

    There’s less legal jeopardy when lying to the press than there would be in lying on an earnings call. Who knew? (Except for those who debunked the shopliftapocalypse claims at the time.)

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    And speaking of speaking of swallowing the alternate reality you're rooting for...

    Geoffrey Supran:
    In Science Magazine today, our latest peer-reviewed research shows Exxon scientists predicted global warming with shocking skill & accuracy between 1977 & 2003, contradicting the company's decades of climate denial.

    In public, however, ExxonMobil contradicted each of these conclusions.

    ExxonMobil repeatedly exaggerated the uncertainties of climate science and modelling.

    ExxonMobil has also often denigrated climate models. In 1999, CEO Lee Raymond said future climate “projections are based on completely unproven climate models, or, more often, sheer speculation.”

    In 2013, CEO Rex Tillerson called climate models "not competent."

    Mobil and ExxonMobil cultivated the myth that in the 1970s, there was a scientific consensus that the planet was going to cool down rather than heat up.

    In sum, our study puts a number on, and paints a picture of, what Exxon knew, which is that burning fossil fuels would heat the planet by 0.20° ± 0.04°C per decade.

    We now have airtight, statistically rigorous evidence that Exxon accurately predicted global warming years before it turned around and publicly attacked climate science and scientists.

    In that sense, this graph doesn't just communicate a crisis, it confirms complicity.
