Saturday, January 21, 2023

The mainstream media commits suicide

Red State: "When It Comes to Trusting the Media, We're Past the Point of No Return."
It’s very hard to argue with the idea that we’re now past the point of no return when it comes to whether or not to trust the mainstream media. Even with Donald Trump out of office, the media hasn’t stopped. They’re only getting worse in their partisan attacks and it’s getting to a point where conservatives really have no recourse other than to not engage anymore.
Here in Western Massachusetts, the Springfield paper has been in a slow decline, filling in the spaces with syndicated stories and advice columnists.  In my opinion, the editorial direction has been so completely lopsided that the once-vibrant letters page used to invite viewpoints from all over the political spectrum.  Now the same four or five kooks write every letter to the paper, always adhering to the far-left viewpoint.  It's one big bubble and anybody to the right of a typical Northampton reader has given up on dialogue...and subscriptions.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Western Massachusetts used to be the reliable (and lone) conservative stronghold in the state. But now it isn't even that.

    Democrats outnumber Republicans in Massachusetts by greater then 2 to 1.

    There are more Catholic Democrats in Massachusetts than there are Catholic Republicans. Even among the state's richest demographic, the divide is equal.

    A higher percentage of Montana residents identify as Democratic than Bay Staters who call themselves Republican. The same goes for solid red Utah, Alabama, South Dakota, West Virginia, and many more... but buck up, because you're 2% bigger than Wyoming Democrats.
