Sunday, January 29, 2023

Returning to the scene of the crime

Twitchy: "Miranda Devine spots a ‘strange’ last-minute change to Biden’s weekend schedule."

The White House updated the President's Daily Schedule to indicate Biden will be leaving his vacation at Camp David to resume his vacation in Delaware this afternoon.

Why the sudden update?  Time to clean out the garage: "FBI seized Biden notebooks that may reference classified material in Delaware home search." 


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Otherwise called "full, proactive cooperation." Something that would have kept Putin's favorite retard out of legal jeopardy.

    Very funny that Biden is still the only documents case you can bring yourself to talk about.

    But what else could be worth your penetrating attention? Not the outrageous revelations about Bill Barr and John Dunham and Russiagate. Not the soaring U.S. economy. Not the House Republicans' chaotic conspiracy and revenge tour. (Including crying that Biden unfairly lowered gas prices.) Not the Rep. George Santos fraud farce. Not the Georgia "I need 11,780 votes" inquiry about to issue hard indictments. Not Biden leading the world to defend Ukraine with tanks.

    Heckuva news week. Top story: Biden made a gaffe.

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    But you're not alone. A summary of Rep. James Comer (R-KY) on CNN today:

    COMER: We're investigating the Biden family for influence peddling.

    CNN'S PAMELA BROWN: But why not investigate the Trump family for the same?

    COMER: We have no evidence.

    BROWN: What evidence do you have for Biden?

    COMER: That's what we're investigating.

    Oh yeah. Republicans will flip 70 House seats next year.
