Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Nuclear launch codes

That's how this works, right?  We just assume they're nuclear launch codes until the truth can be quietly reported several months later.

They're classified nuclear launch codes, Joe, and kickback receipts from Ukraine for Hunter's phony-baloney sinecure.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:34 PM

    That same PJ Media link:
    Editor’s note: An earlier version of this article mischaracterized The Washington Post report. We apologize to our readers for the error.

    You were citing this link to grumble about jumping the gun and getting it wrong?

    As for the "truth being quietly reported several months later" in the Washington Post article that PJ Media is trashing? That same quiet Post article reaffirms that Trump stole nuclear documents.

    Then Trump lied about having taken them. Then Trump said the FBI planted the documents. Then he said he'd silently declassified the documents. And on and on.

    Or as PJ Media put it, "Trump kept a few tchotchkes from his four years serving as the greatest president in recent history. The nerve!"

    Never go full retard.
