Sunday, January 08, 2023

Kabuki theater

Washington Examiner: "Biden’s Potemkin trip to the southern border"
Days before President Joe Biden visited El Paso, Texas, this afternoon, local and federal authorities began clearing out migrant encampments. Federal agents said this was a response to community complaints of rising crime, but it is more likely that the president's impending visit and the need to avoid embarrassing photos was decisive.

Biden will learn nothing from his trip because he doesn’t want to learn anything.
As I've noted before, Biden doesn't take any responsibility for the border crisis.  As long as he can continue to blame Republicans, Biden can absolve himself of all transgressions.  It's his go-to move.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    As I've noted before, Biden doesn't take any responsibility for the border crisis. As long as he can continue to blame Republicans, Biden can absolve himself of all transgressions. It's his go-to move.

    Refresh our memory: Which party killed the Republican immigration bill when Bush Jr was President, Frist was Senate Majority Leader, and Boehner was Speaker?

    At one time, the GOP was at the forefront of legislative solutions on this issue. Now, they trick migrants into cross-country rides on un-Christian troll buses.

    To be fair, that's not the entire story. The GOP also goes "Waahh, Biden refuses to go to the border" and "Waahh, Biden went to the border instead of doing something."
