Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Enjoy your new precedent

Don Surber: "McCarthy cleans House."
Kevin McCarthy kicked Ilhan Omar, Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell off powerful committees, just as he said he would do in November. The move comes two years after Pelosi banned Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar from all committees.

Paybacks aren't a bitch. Pelosi is.

He bounced Swalwell and Schiff from the intelligence committee and barred Omar from the foreign affairs committee. Swalwell slept with Fang Fang, a spy for Red China.
It used to be up to the minority leader to bounce his/her own members but Nancy Pelosi broke that standard.  Ed Driscoll notes: "As with Harry Reid and the filibuster, why do Democrats think the rules they change won’t apply to them when they’re the party out of power?"

Justice Gorsuch says "hi" from the Supreme Court.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:38 PM

    "That government is best which governs least"... and these House Republicans are hellbent to push that aphorism to the limit.
