Thursday, December 01, 2022

What happens when you graduate at the bottom of your law school class

The Corner: "Thus Far, the Constitution Has Held Up Against President Biden’s Executive Despotism."
Since August, President Joe Biden, that ertswhile restorer of our norms, has: (1) issued an executive order that he knew full well was illegal; (2) altered that illegal executive order in an attempt to avoid judicial review; and (3) asked the courts to allow him to proceed with his illegal executive order, so that, by the time it is inevitably struck down, the case has been rendered moot.
"YOLO, let's see what unconstitutional overreach I can do before someone stops me" isn't much of a governing style.


  1. A brilliant idea by Brandon :

  2. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Another way of putting it:

    The Supreme Court declined, twice, to take up Biden's debt relief after two separate opponents of the plan petitioned the Court to block it.

    Now, following a federal appeals court putting Biden's plan on hold, the Supreme Court has taken up the case because the Biden White House asked them to do so.

    The Court has even fast-tracked the hearing of the case... also because the Biden White House asked them to do so.

    But there is still hope. Historically, the Supreme Court has invalidated presidential executive orders in their entirety. Two of them. Two executive orders. Two out of more than 14,000.
